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Samhain BodyDreaming™ & Clay Mask Workshop with Marian Dunlea & Wendy Bratherton

We will deepen into our experience of BodySoul to meet the Cailleach energy in the clay mask, using ...BodyDreaming™, Qigong and Biodynamic Craniosacral work.

We will deepen into our experience of BodySoul to meet the Cailleach energy in the clay mask, using ...BodyDreaming™, Qigong and Biodynamic Craniosacral work.

Come and create a clay mask at Samhain with Marian Dunlea & Wendy Bratherton
02 - 04 November 2018

Ammerdown Centre
Radstock, Nr. Bath BA3 5SW,

Click here for Flyer.
Click here for Application Form.