7:00 PM19:00

Drop In Well - Fourth Monday of the month - Online peer support group

Holy Well, Killinaboy, Co Clare

Photo: Tony Kirby

How do we live BodySoul? 

 What do we want from the Well?

This peer-support group is open to anyone who has attended a workshop or training in BodySoul Rhythms or BodyDreaming.  We meet for one hour, on the FOURTH Monday of the month.

 We open with the ritual of Sophia's Bowl, which is inspired by the Dance of Three.  We gather and ground with a guided meditation, then we listen to a short poem or verse.  We take turns to speak from where we are in the Now.  All the time we are witnessed and contained by one another in the group.  

 There is time then, to express and share our experiences of living BodySoul, however we manage it, in our everyday lives.  We aim to finish punctually on the hour.

 If you would like to join us, please contact either of us:

 Ana, email: (phone 0044 7885 260203)

Fionnuala, email: (phone 00353 86 3897277

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6:15 PM18:15

BODYSOUL COMMUNITY GROUP - Friday evenings IN DUBLIN - with Abigail Whyte

Mullaghmore, Co Clare.
photo: Abigail Whyte

In the Margaret Aylward Community Centre, Glasnevin, D11 TC21, this BodySoul Community Group follows Marion Woodman’s BodySoul Method. The sessions include deep relaxation, working with dream images in the body, movement, and bringing movement to image/art .

Fee: €55 per group
Phone Abigail, 00353 86 0564223

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7:00 PM19:00

Drop In Well - Fourth Monday of the month - Online peer support group

Holy Well, Killinaboy, Co Clare

Photo: Tony Kirby

How do we live BodySoul? 

 What do we want from the Well?

This peer-support group is open to anyone who has attended a workshop or training in BodySoul Rhythms or BodyDreaming.  We meet for one hour, on the FOURTH Monday of the month.

 We open with the ritual of Sophia's Bowl, which is inspired by the Dance of Three.  We gather and ground with a guided meditation, then we listen to a short poem or verse.  We take turns to speak from where we are in the Now.  All the time we are witnessed and contained by one another in the group.  

 There is time then, to express and share our experiences of living BodySoul, however we manage it, in our everyday lives.  We aim to finish punctually on the hour.

 If you would like to join us, please contact either of us:

 Ana, email: (phone 0044 7885 260203)

Fionnuala, email: (phone 00353 86 3897277

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7:00 PM19:00

Drop In Well - Fourth Monday of the month - Online peer support group

Holy Well, Killinaboy, Co Clare

Photo: Tony Kirby

How do we live BodySoul? 

 What do we want from the Well?

This peer-support group is open to anyone who has attended a workshop or training in BodySoul Rhythms or BodyDreaming.  We meet for one hour, on the FOURTH Monday of the month.

 We open with the ritual of Sophia's Bowl, which is inspired by the Dance of Three.  We gather and ground with a guided meditation, then we listen to a short poem or verse.  We take turns to speak from where we are in the Now.  All the time we are witnessed and contained by one another in the group.  

 There is time then, to express and share our experiences of living BodySoul, however we manage it, in our everyday lives.  We aim to finish punctually on the hour.

 If you would like to join us, please contact either of us:

 Ana, email: (phone 0044 7885 260203)

Fionnuala, email: (phone 00353 86 3897277

View Event →
7:00 PM19:00

Drop In Well - Fourth Monday of the month - Online peer support group

Holy Well, Killinaboy, Co Clare

Photo: Tony Kirby

How do we live BodySoul? 

 What do we want from the Well?

This peer-support group is open to anyone who has attended a workshop or training in BodySoul Rhythms or BodyDreaming.  We meet for one hour, on the FOURTH Monday of the month.

 We open with the ritual of Sophia's Bowl, which is inspired by the Dance of Three.  We gather and ground with a guided meditation, then we listen to a short poem or verse.  We take turns to speak from where we are in the Now.  All the time we are witnessed and contained by one another in the group.  

 There is time then, to express and share our experiences of living BodySoul, however we manage it, in our everyday lives.  We aim to finish punctually on the hour.

 If you would like to join us, please contact either of us:

 Ana, email: (phone 0044 7885 260203)

Fionnuala, email: (phone 00353 86 3897277

View Event →
7:00 PM19:00

Drop In Well - Fourth Monday of the month - Online peer support group

Holy Well, Killinaboy, Co Clare

Photo: Tony Kirby

How do we live BodySoul? 

 What do we want from the Well?

This peer-support group is open to anyone who has attended a workshop or training in BodySoul Rhythms or BodyDreaming.  We meet for one hour, on the FOURTH Monday of the month.

 We open with the ritual of Sophia's Bowl, which is inspired by the Dance of Three.  We gather and ground with a guided meditation, then we listen to a short poem or verse.  We take turns to speak from where we are in the Now.  All the time we are witnessed and contained by one another in the group.  

 There is time then, to express and share our experiences of living BodySoul, however we manage it, in our everyday lives.  We aim to finish punctually on the hour.

 If you would like to join us, please contact either of us:

 Ana, email: (phone 0044 7885 260203)

Fionnuala, email: (phone 00353 86 3897277

View Event →
7:00 PM19:00

Drop In Well - Fourth Monday of the month - Online peer support group

Holy Well, Killinaboy, Co Clare

Photo: Tony Kirby

How do we live BodySoul? 

 What do we want from the Well?

This peer-support group is open to anyone who has attended a workshop or training in BodySoul Rhythms or BodyDreaming.  We meet for one hour, on the FOURTH Monday of the month.

 We open with the ritual of Sophia's Bowl, which is inspired by the Dance of Three.  We gather and ground with a guided meditation, then we listen to a short poem or verse.  We take turns to speak from where we are in the Now.  All the time we are witnessed and contained by one another in the group.  

 There is time then, to express and share our experiences of living BodySoul, however we manage it, in our everyday lives.  We aim to finish punctually on the hour.

 If you would like to join us, please contact either of us:

 Ana, email: (phone 0044 7885 260203)

Fionnuala, email: (phone 00353 86 3897277

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to Aug 31

SoulCollage® and Labyrinth Gathering with Jay Edge

  • Ammerdown Retreat Center Radstock United Kingdom (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join us for a creative and nurturing weekend retreat.

Together we will have time making and creating, in movement and reflection, time on an outdoor labyrinth and time exploring SoulCollage®, a creative and simple way of connecting with your deep wisdom voices.

We will be weaving BodySoul Rhythms®, time in nature out in the woods, storytelling around the fire and time together in the circle. We will have a rich and creative time together, held by the labyrinth and the gorgeous Somerset landscape.

Our gathering will be at The Ammerdown Retreat Centre in Radstock. Lovely food and ensuite single rooms, all set within glorious grounds.

The weekend cost of £545 includes full board, beginning with a delicious afternoon tea on arrival, accommodation in a single ensuite room, all art materials and tuition.

Places are limited.

Contact Jay 07881492342

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4:00 PM16:00

Emergence: A BodySoul/BodyDreaming mini- retreat in celebration of the coming Spring With Lucien Julian

 What part of you is ready to emerge from the dark and  be seen? What part of you is becoming aware that warmth and light are coming? What part of you wants to grow towards that light? 

Let’s gather and offer each other the support of our connection, our creativity, our vision, our voices and our bodies as we honor the dark that has held us and prepare for what is just beginning to emerge.

What? A BodySoul/ BodyDreaming mini retreat~ together we will spend time in embodied meditation, deep rest, poetic reflection, joyful movement, artistic divining and wholehearted singing to welcome and support what is waiting to emerge!

Where? On Zoom! Come one and all from all over the world!

When? Sunday March 2nd  9AM-1130AM MST

What to bring? Art materials, journal, comfy clothes, blankets, pillows, candle

How Much? 50-100$ USD sliding scale. Payment accepted through paypal, venmo and zelle

Details on Lucien’s webstire:

Email Lucien on to book.

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6:15 PM18:15

BODYSOUL COMMUNITY GROUP - Friday evenings IN DUBLIN - with Abigail Whyte

Mullaghmore, Co Clare.
photo: Abigail Whyte

In the Margaret Aylward Community Centre, Glasnevin, D11 TC21, this BodySoul Community Group follows Marion Woodman’s BodySoul Method. The sessions include deep relaxation, working with dream images in the body, movement, and bringing movement to image/art .

Fee: €55 per group
Phone Abigail, 00353 86 0564223

View Event →
7:00 PM19:00

Drop In Well - Fourth Monday of the month - Online peer support group

Holy Well, Killinaboy, Co Clare

Photo: Tony Kirby

How do we live BodySoul? 

 What do we want from the Well?

This peer-support group is open to anyone who has attended a workshop or training in BodySoul Rhythms or BodyDreaming.  We meet for one hour, on the FOURTH Monday of the month.

 We open with the ritual of Sophia's Bowl, which is inspired by the Dance of Three.  We gather and ground with a guided meditation, then we listen to a short poem or verse.  We take turns to speak from where we are in the Now.  All the time we are witnessed and contained by one another in the group.  

 There is time then, to express and share our experiences of living BodySoul, however we manage it, in our everyday lives.  We aim to finish punctually on the hour.

 If you would like to join us, please contact either of us:

 Ana, email: (phone 0044 7885 260203)

Fionnuala, email: (phone 00353 86 3897277

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7:30 PM19:30

ISJA/IAPA event: The Relevance of Myth and Mythology in Pyschology with Gillian Kind

Gillian’s online seminar will look at why a ‘myth’ is not a myth. As long as humans have had speech, myth and mythology have always been relevant. Mythology makes sense of the world and the forces greater than ourselves. It educates people into the religion, philosophy, morality and ethics of a culture, especially for the young. It is hands-on age-old knowledge and wisdom. For the people concerned, it is not a myth but the truth.

With the loss of the ‘myth’ of Christianity for many young and older people in the West there is a vacuum of meaning, purpose and wisdom which is being filled by social media etc. But it is often unsatisfying and can lead to the problem of extreme anxiety and FOMO. C.G. Jung said ‘The Gods have become diseases’, and we can see this in the level of addictions of all kinds.

Jung thought that finding one’s own ‘myth’ was very important. Gillian will look at how we might go on this search for what Jung calls ‘The Symbolic Life’.

Gillian Kind is a Jungian Analyst living in South West London with a private practice. She is interested in the overlap of Jungian psychology, religion and psychiatry. She is a training analyst and supervisor for IGAP and GAP and also gives Grass Roots seminars for the Jung Club London.

Visit Eventbrite for further Information & Booking:≈

Registration closes on Wednesday, 19th February @ 18:00

Important Note: This seminar will not be recorded. Participants should plan to attend the live event.

Admission: €21.97 / Students: €16.68

Booking is via Eventbrite only

View Event →
7:00 PM19:00

Drop In Well - Fourth Monday of the month - Online peer support group

Holy Well, Killinaboy, Co Clare

Photo: Tony Kirby

How do we live BodySoul? 

 What do we want from the Well?

This peer-support group is open to anyone who has attended a workshop or training in BodySoul Rhythms or BodyDreaming.  We meet for one hour, on the FOURTH Monday of the month.

 We open with the ritual of Sophia's Bowl, which is inspired by the Dance of Three.  We gather and ground with a guided meditation, then we listen to a short poem or verse.  We take turns to speak from where we are in the Now.  All the time we are witnessed and contained by one another in the group.  

 There is time then, to express and share our experiences of living BodySoul, however we manage it, in our everyday lives.  We aim to finish punctually on the hour.

 If you would like to join us, please contact either of us:

 Ana, email: (phone 0044 7885 260203)

Fionnuala, email: (phone 00353 86 3897277

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to Jan 26

Brigit 2025: Brigit as Peace-Weaver - a Woman Spirit Ireland event

Join us for the 30th Anniversary WSI Brigit Festival at An Grianán, Co. Louth. This year’s event, held the weekend before Brigit’s Public Holiday, is a unique opportunity to deepen your connection to Brigit’s rich tradition of spirituality, ritual and ethics. Experience a vibrant weekend filled with music, poetry, dance and ceremony, including our signature Crios Ritual, where participants make meaningful commitments for the year ahead in the spirit of Brigit.

Highlights include a keynote by Dr. Mary Condren on ‘Peace-Weaving in the Brigit Tradition’ and a Saturday Symposium on Peace-Weaving with renowned speakers like Prof. Michelle LeBaron, Prof. Mari Fitzduff, Sr. Gabrielle Stuart and Dr. Nandini Gupta. Optional workshops on meditation, yoga, crafts and more will round out this immersive celebration.


The Registration Fee is €150. This includes a €50 deposit for accommodation. The registration fee should be paid via the ‘Registration’ section on this website. The online payment link there enables payment via either personal PayPal or credit/debit card. Simply type ‘registration for Brigit 2025’ in the section ‘special instructions to seller’. Alternatively, payment can be made via post to the address listed there (with a note to the same effect).


Accommodation must be booked directly with An Grianán, and the accommodation fee (less deposit) paid directly to An Grianán. (Website:; E-mail:; Tel.: +353 (0)41 9822119.) Accommodation options include:

  • single non-ensuite (€209 less deposit = €159)

  • sharing en-suite (€219 less deposit = €169)

  • single en-suite (€264 less deposit = 214)


Any enquiries about the event (other than accommodation bookings) should be e-mailed to

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6:15 PM18:15

BODYSOUL COMMUNITY GROUP - Friday evenings IN DUBLIN - with Abigail Whyte

Mullaghmore, Co Clare.
photo: Abigail Whyte

In the Margaret Aylward Community Centre, Glasnevin, D11 TC21, this BodySoul Community Group follows Marion Woodman’s BodySoul Method. The sessions include deep relaxation, working with dream images in the body, movement, and bringing movement to image/art .

Fee: €55 per group
Phone Abigail, 00353 86 0564223

View Event →
6:15 PM18:15

BODYSOUL COMMUNITY GROUP - Friday evenings IN DUBLIN - with Abigail Whyte

Mullaghmore, Co Clare.
photo: Abigail Whyte

In the Margaret Aylward Community Centre, Glasnevin, D11 TC21, this BodySoul Community Group follows Marion Woodman’s BodySoul Method. The sessions include deep relaxation, working with dream images in the body, movement, and bringing movement to image/art .

Fee: €55 per group
Phone Abigail, 00353 86 0564223

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7:00 PM19:00

THE DROP IN WELL Peer support group – on line - with Ana Kirby and Fionnuala Bates.

How do we live BodySoul? 

 What do we want from the Well?

This peer-support is open to anyone who has attended a workshop or training in BodySoul Rhythms or BodyDreaming.  We meet for one hour, on the first Monday of the month.


We open with the ritual of Sophia's Bowl, which is inspired by the Dance of Three.  Gathering and grounding, led by a Poet, we listen to a verse.  Then we take turns to speak from where we are in the Now.  All the time we are witnessed and contained by one another in the group.  


There is time, then, to express and share our experiences of living BodySoul, however we manage it, in our everyday lives.  We aim to finish punctually on the hour.

 If you would like to join us, please contact either of us:

 Ana, email: (phone 0044 7885 260203)

Fionnuala, email: (phone 00353 86 3897277)  


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to Dec 1

BodyDreaming® Mask Workshop - NOW OPEN FOR BOOKING

  • Einsiedeln Switzerland (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

In-Person Workshop in Einsiedeln

Dear BodyDreaming Friends, 

There are only a few places left on the BodyDreaming Mask Workshop in Einsiedeln Switzerland Nov 27th  - Dec 1st. 

If you are planning to come, you will need to register as soon as possible.

This BodyDreaming workshop is a unique opportunity to experience an in-depth residential workshop that includes Dreams, Art, Movement, Voice and the creation of a Mask.  

We use the mask making process, inspired by Marion Woodman's BodySoul Rhythms®'s mask work, and incorporate it within a BodyDreaming framework: through attunement – inner and outer attunement, and the practice of mirroring and titration  - the energy of the mask begins to take shape, find its voice and express itself. 

Attached you will find all necessary information about the workshop, including how to reserve a space as well as book your hotel accommodation.

The first document provides an overview of the workshop, the registration process, as well as the hotel options; while the 2nd document is the registration form which needs to be completed as a first step. 

Spaces are limited, so we recommend that you reserve quickly if you intend to attend.   

The admin team is at your disposal if you have any questions.  
We look forward to the prospect of being together 3 months from now and meanwhile wish you a lovely end of Summer.   

Marian, Abigail, Patricia and Pauline

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6:15 PM18:15

BODYSOUL COMMUNITY GROUP - Friday evenings IN DUBLIN - with Abigail Whyte

Mullaghmore, Co Clare.
photo: Abigail Whyte

In the Margaret Aylward Community Centre, Glasnevin, D11 TC21, this BodySoul Community Group follows Marion Woodman’s BodySoul Method. The sessions include deep relaxation, working with dream images in the body, movement, and bringing movement to image/art .

Fee: €55 per group
Phone Abigail, 00353 86 0564223

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7:30 PM19:30

ISJA & IAPA event - "Disease as the Shadow of the Body" with Wendy Bratherton (Online)

Photo credit Wendy Bratherton

About this event

"This is your body, your greatest gift, pregnant with wisdom you do not hear, grief you thought was forgotten, and joy you have never known."

(M. Woodman and J.Mellick, Coming Home to Myself)

In this talk, Wendy will show how engaging with disease as “shadow in the body” can enable us to make changes in our lives and find meaning in our suffering. Since disease is located in the body, if we want to engage with this aspect of shadow, we must delve deeply into the unconscious memories which are stored in the body. Jung appreciated the depth of connection between mind and body. Between 1934-9 he gave a series of lectures to colleagues where he warned of the dangers of becoming too intellectual and ignoring the body. Jung said, “The body is merely the visibility of the soul, the psyche: and the soul is the psychological experience of the body. So, it is really one and the same thing.” Wendy will look at the link between mind and body and focus on Jung’s concept of the psychoid psyche, together with some recent insights from neuroscience and outline some clinical examples.

Wendy Bratherton is a retired Jungian Analyst (SAP London) and a Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapist (CSTA). She was an Infant Observation Seminar Leader for 25 years and trained with Marion Woodman in BodySoul work. She has run Body Soul workshops with Marian Dunlea and helped with her online BodyDreaming Modules. She is a safe and Sound Protocol Provider, using sound to help heal trauma. She has contributed to Contemporary Jungian Analysis, ed. I.Alister & C. Hauke, Routledge 1998, and Jung’s Shadow Concept ed. C.Perry and R. Tower, Routledge 2023.

Tickets available from Eventbrite:

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7:00 PM19:00

THE DROP IN WELL Peer support group – on line - with Ana Kirby and Fionnuala Bates.

How do we live BodySoul? 

 What do we want from the Well?

This peer-support is open to anyone who has attended a workshop or training in BodySoul Rhythms or BodyDreaming.  We meet for one hour, on the first Monday of the month.


We open with the ritual of Sophia's Bowl, which is inspired by the Dance of Three.  Gathering and grounding, led by a Poet, we listen to a verse.  Then we take turns to speak from where we are in the Now.  All the time we are witnessed and contained by one another in the group.  


There is time, then, to express and share our experiences of living BodySoul, however we manage it, in our everyday lives.  We aim to finish punctually on the hour.

 If you would like to join us, please contact either of us:

 Ana, email: (phone 0044 7885 260203)

Fionnuala, email: (phone 00353 86 3897277)  


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2:30 PM14:30

KALI: The Dance of Rage and Desire: with BodyDreaming graduate Sunitha Sivamani

About this event

'Yoking with Jung' is a unique offering initiated by Manasa Ks, the founding member of Bangalore Society of Analytical Psychology, to encourage living a Symbolic life. The unconscious, as C.G. Jung postulated, speaks to us in different ways, be it art (any form) or dreams or diseases or sometimes an inner calling and the 'Yoking with Jung' program provides a platform to people to share these journeys of Individuation or to simply share how one has interacted with or built a relationship with these inner stirrings and found meaning in them.

On Saturday Oct. 26th, 2024

Venue: Online on Zoom

Time: 7:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. I.S.T.

Fee: INR 1500 (for Indian participants), and USD 25 (For International participants)

To Register: Use the following link.

Cancellation permitted up to 48 hours prior to the seminar.

Flyer here, and Sunitha’s bio here.

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7:30 PM19:30

ISJA & IAPA event - "Awestruck In Nature Do We Wander" with Cedrus Monte, Jungian Analyst (Online)

Photo credit Cedrus Monte

About this event

It could be argued that any true healing of neurosis would need to bring both spiritual life and the natural world to a new understanding. We are perhaps still trying to solve the problem of healing on a too personal, psychological level. Jung was deeply concerned over the loss of our connection with Nature, with the Great Mother. The word “matter” has become a purely intellectual concept. How different was the former image of matter — the Great Mother — which could convey profound emotional meaning. By wandering in the natural world we begin to awaken to our primal, embodied connection to the Great Mother and feel the awe and gratitude that are ours to receive when we open to the beauty and mysteries that are an integral part of the natural world. In this way we might in part begin to heal, at the level of soul, an ever-increasing neurotic and collapsing world.

Cedrus Monte, Jungian Analyst, graduate of the C. G. Jung Institute (1996) Member of IAAP (emerita)/AGAP. Originally from the San Francisco Bay Area, she now lives and practices in Zurich, Switzerland. In addition to numerous papers included in Jungian anthologies, she has published CORPUS ANIMA: Reflections from the Unity of Body and Soul (Chiron Publications) and A MEMOIR OF MEMORIES: Remembering the Death of My Mother (Little Owl Press, Zurich; with accompanying podcast on Speaking of Jung, episode 68).

Tickets available from Eventbrite:

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7:00 PM19:00

THE DROP IN WELL Peer support group – on line - with Ana Kirby and Fionnuala Bates.

How do we live BodySoul? 

 What do we want from the Well?

This peer-support is open to anyone who has attended a workshop or training in BodySoul Rhythms or BodyDreaming.  We meet for one hour, on the first Monday of the month.


We open with the ritual of Sophia's Bowl, which is inspired by the Dance of Three.  Gathering and grounding, led by a Poet, we listen to a verse.  Then we take turns to speak from where we are in the Now.  All the time we are witnessed and contained by one another in the group.  


There is time, then, to express and share our experiences of living BodySoul, however we manage it, in our everyday lives.  We aim to finish punctually on the hour.

 If you would like to join us, please contact either of us:

 Ana, email: (phone 0044 7885 260203)

Fionnuala, email: (phone 00353 86 3897277)  


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to Oct 3

Book Launch - Lena Mandotter's ”The Song of the Soul - the Transpersonal dimension of Psyche and Sound”.

I will publish a book in the autumn called ”The Song of the Soul - the Transpersonal dimension of Psyche and Sound”.

It is all about the numinous power of song and how the numen of songs can heal our souls.

This book describes my life long voyage with soul and song.

I am grateful for having had Marion Woodman as one of my teachers and her support of my artistic and creative work has been so important.

”To liberate the voice is to liberate psyche. To free the sound is to free the soul."

The book release will be held at the Zürich Lecture Series 2 and 3 October in Zurich Switzerland.

The book will be released by the Jungian publisher Chiron Publications, USA.

Here is a link to this event to which all of you are welcome!

There will be a concert, lectures and celebrations.

The photograph on my book cover I took myself some years ago, while staying at the Eranos Foundation by the lake Maggiore Ticino Switzerland. A mythical place where personalities like C G Jung, Henry Corbin, Mircea Eliade and many other renowned persons used to gather and give lectures.

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6:15 PM18:15

BODYSOUL COMMUNITY GROUP - Friday evenings IN DUBLIN - with Abigail Whyte

Mullaghmore, Co Clare.
photo: Abigail Whyte

In the Margaret Aylward Community Centre, Glasnevin, D11 TC21, this BodySoul Community Group follows Marion Woodman’s BodySoul Method. The sessions include deep relaxation, working with dream images in the body, movement, and bringing movement to image/art .

Fee: €55 per group
Phone Abigail, 00353 86 0564223

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12:30 PM12:30

Autumn Labyrinth Gathering and Veriditas qualifying workshop with Jay Edge

The labyrinth gathering is open to everyone and is a Veriditas qualifying workshop.

Walking a labyrinth is an embodied journey - deepening into your body and your feet on the ground, along your path towards your own centre.

The fee for the gathering is £85, which includes all art materials and refreshments.

Based in the beautiful and sacred Rosslyn Chapel, the gathering will centre around a large Chartres style canvas labyrinth.

To book email Jay or call Jay Edge on 07881 492342.

Leaflet here

Jay is a psychosynthesis therapist and retreat leader and an Advanced Veriditas Labyrinth Facilitator.

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to Sep 20

Reclaiming the Bones: calling forth essence from the depths - A retreat for women with Sheila Langston and Keren Vishny

  • the christine centre (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Whale bone vertebra

Photo courtesy of: Paul Souders

BodySoul Europe are delighted to promote this retreat on our website - Sheila Langston is a teacher beloved of BSE. She was on the faculty of LTP5 and taught alongside Marian Dunlea on many intensives and other workshops. She will be well known to many of our members. 

Bones are the seedbed of our life’s blood. They shelter our heart and speak to our innermost depths. In our day to day living how easily we lose touch with bone as the foundation of our structure, as an aspect of what moves us and an essence that goes beyond our physicality.

In an environment of great natural beauty, we will reconnect to the bones of our being and connect with other women on a similar journey. With a fairytale as container, we will explore dreams, move, express and play together. Join us as we enter slow time, and discover the song that our bodysoul bone-essence is singing.

The program is open to women who have done a previous program with the instructors as well as to women new to our programs. If you wish to attend and have not done a program with Keren or Sheila, please contact one of us for a Zoom or phone consultation before registering.

The registration fee includes tuition and room and board. All meals are included, beginning with dinner on September 15 through to breakfast on September 20. Snacks will also be provided. The total cost of the program ranges from $1580 to $1760, depending on the accommodations you choose. Transportation is not included. Please fill out the registration included in the event flyer, and send via email to both Keren ( Sheila (

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to Sep 14

Sealskin, Soulskin - An online Gathering for Women with Jay Edge

Sealskin, Soulskin 

Sometimes the busyness of life, even when that life is freely chosen and richly rewarding, can mean we lose connection with some deep, wild, soulful aspect of ourselves.

Come and join us for an online soulful weekend gathering where together we will explore the story of “Sealskin, Soulskin.” a tale of returning home to oneself, of nourishing the inner life.

There will be myth and story, particularly from Dr Estes’ magnificent “Women Who Run With The Wolves”, simple ceremony, movement and dreamwork from Body Soul work, guided reflections, creative expression and time in small groups as well as time in the wider circle. Myths and stories offer us a map to wholeness, to living a rich and full inner life, as well as one lived well in the outer world. Stories show us how to walk in both worlds. 

There will be preparation invitations and suggestions, some journal and writing prompts to nurture the process before we meet and resources from our time together after we gather.

If you have any questions about the gathering or you’d like to join us and haven’t yet worked with Jay give a call (07881 492342) or send an email. (

Friday September 13th 6.30pm to 9pm Saturday September 14th 10.00am to 4.30pm Session fee £125.00 - payment plans can be arranged.

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7:00 PM19:00

THE DROP IN WELL Peer support group – on line - with Ana Kirby and Fionnuala Bates.

How do we live BodySoul? 

 What do we want from the Well?

This peer-support is open to anyone who has attended a workshop or training in BodySoul Rhythms or BodyDreaming.  We meet for one hour, on the first Monday of the month.


We open with the ritual of Sophia's Bowl, which is inspired by the Dance of Three.  Gathering and grounding, led by a Poet, we listen to a verse.  Then we take turns to speak from where we are in the Now.  All the time we are witnessed and contained by one another in the group.  


There is time, then, to express and share our experiences of living BodySoul, however we manage it, in our everyday lives.  We aim to finish punctually on the hour.

 If you would like to join us, please contact either of us:

 Ana, email: (phone 0044 7885 260203)

Fionnuala, email: (phone 00353 86 3897277)  


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10:00 AM10:00

IMMERSIVE OUTDOOR DANCE EVENT with Joan Davies, dates in April, July, and August

GARDEN AS GALLERY is a wonderful daylong (10am-4pm) event of dance and sound, inspired by the present moment, the inter-connections of the performers and the powerful presence of the natural world.

 Saturday        Sunday

April 27th      April 28th


Saturday         Sunday

July 6th           July 7th


Saturday          Sunday

August 24th    August 25th 


Conceived by Joan Davis, with a cast of 11 dancers, create an offering which is heartfelt and vibrant, expressing the world inside themselves in relationship with the outside world.

Set among four acres of gardens overlooking the Irish sea, it is a visual delight for the senses. The audience impacts the creation through their presence making each performance unique.

Details and booking here

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7:00 PM19:00

THE DROP IN WELL Peer support group – on line - with Ana Kirby and Fionnuala Bates.

How do we live BodySoul? 

 What do we want from the Well?

This peer-support is open to anyone who has attended a workshop or training in BodySoul Rhythms or BodyDreaming.  We meet for one hour, on the first Monday of the month.


We open with the ritual of Sophia's Bowl, which is inspired by the Dance of Three.  Gathering and grounding, led by a Poet, we listen to a verse.  Then we take turns to speak from where we are in the Now.  All the time we are witnessed and contained by one another in the group.  


There is time, then, to express and share our experiences of living BodySoul, however we manage it, in our everyday lives.  We aim to finish punctually on the hour.

 If you would like to join us, please contact either of us:

 Ana, email: (phone 0044 7885 260203)

Fionnuala, email: (phone 00353 86 3897277)  


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10:00 AM10:00

IMMERSIVE OUTDOOR DANCE EVENT with Joan Davies, dates in July and August

GARDEN AS GALLERY is a wonderful daylong (10am-4pm) event of dance and sound, inspired by the present moment, the inter-connections of the performers and the powerful presence of the natural world.


Saturday         Sunday

July 6th           July 7th


Saturday          Sunday

August 24th    August 25th 


Conceived by Joan Davis, with a cast of 11 dancers, create an offering which is heartfelt and vibrant, expressing the world inside themselves in relationship with the outside world.

Set among four acres of gardens overlooking the Irish sea, it is a visual delight for the senses. The audience impacts the creation through their presence making each performance unique.

Details and booking here

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to Jun 9

Professional Development Training in BodyDreaming® Module 9: Marian Dunlea with Pauline Sayhi, Patricia Llosa & Abigail Whyte

Module Nine

In Module Nine, the final module in our first BodyDreaming Training, our focus is on the integration of the theory, practice and learning we’ve gained from the BodyDreaming Training. The integrative process is part of the higher functioning of the brain – helping to bring together different parts of our experience – sensing, feeling, thinking, creating. Integration establishes greater coherence in our whole system and deepens our connection to our body, psyche and to what surrounds us. We focus on integration to establish new neural pathways that are potential portals to connection, compassion, gratitude, and awe. These qualities help us to see ourselves in relation to the wider field, the 'unus mudus'. We recognise the creative life, the rainmaker’s notion of chi that is flowing – sensing it in our bodies; moments of illumination of awe, numinous moments. We look forward to you joining us for our final model as we 'bring the gold home'.

What We’ve Covered So Far

The practice sessions in our modules have focused on two types of awareness or “attunement”: inner attunement, focused on our own bodily feelings – known as interoception; and outer attunement, towards the people, objects, and nature that impact us in our environment.

By paying attention to the responses in our nervous system, we come to recognise habitual patterns and 'complexe' that are often activated. With the practice of 'titration', slowing down the activation, we learn to resource and reset our nervous systems from heightened states of activation.

We experience a greater ease and spaciousness in the body and psyche, extending our capacity to tolerate old triggers and uncertainty.

Because of this our receptors are more engaged, and we enter our images with greater curiosity.

This newfound ease and agency mark a shift from a state of defensiveness to one of trust, openness, and receptivity. Something totally new presents itself, heralding the possibility for the numinous.

BodyDreaming prepares us to receive the numinous. It allows us to be present in a way that expands our consciousness, bringing us into greater communion with all life.

In the Final Modules

In these final modules of the first BodyDreaming Training, we further develop the somatic practices and theory – which affirm that our matter and all matter is alive and interconnected.

By developing an embodied experience of our own matter as a secure base, we may engage in a participatory relationship with the world around us.

Jung maintains that it is through an encounter with the numinous that “real therapy” is possible, and that “inasmuch as you attain to the numinous experience you are released from the curse of pathology” (Jung, 1973, p. 377).

By establishing an embodied home for our soul, we begin to realise that our body and soul, psyche and matter, are each reflectors of the numinous, what Jung referred to as the “hint of the god” (Jung, 1997, p. 919).

Dates & Time Zone

Friday June 7th from 2pm to 8pm

Saturday June 8th from 2pm to 8pm

Sunday June 9th from 2pm to 5pm

Time Zone: Dublin, Ireland (currently IST [Irish Standard Time] [GMT +1])


Online via Zoom. Please plan on attending all sessions.

Tuition Fee


Continuous Professional Development

15 hours


• At the discretion of the faculty, each module can be taken as a standalone experience or as part of the BodyDreaming training.

• New participants will receive a recording of the online Introductory Workshop to view prior to the module.

• The training weekend will comprise of theory and practice, experiential learning and embodied practice sessions, dream work, movement, voice work, ritual and art. We work in large group sessions and in small break-out practice sessions.

• Each breakout group will have an assistant present, from our team of assistants, who all provide containment and guidance for the small break out practice sessions.

Module 9 – Recommended Reading

“A Note to the Reader: How This Book Works". In BodyDreaming in the Treatment of Developmental Trauma: An Embodied Therapeutic Approach, by Marian Dunlea (Routledge).

"Conclusion: Let your hands touch something that makes your eyes smile". In BodyDreaming in the Treatment of Developmental Trauma: An Embodied Therapeutic Approach, by Marian Dunlea (Routledge).

To request an application form, or for more information about the training, please write to Julia and Cat at Instructions about payment will be provided once your application has been processed. 

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to May 28

Finding the Red Thread: Creativity, Passion, and the Dance of the Feminine. With Marlene Schiwy & Sheila Langston.

Image courtesy of Valérie Dumas

Come and join the circle of reckless hearts as we gather in Einsiedeln to celebrate the red thread of our creativity and passion for life. Through movement and writing, breath, sound and song, dreamwork and active imagination – we will write, dance, and sing our way back to the vibrant red thread at the heart of our existence.

This program is open to anyone who has done a previous program with one of the instructors or by telephone consultation. If you are interested in participating please contact us by email or telephone.

Contact Sheila at or call 778-239-8774.

Contact Marlene at or call 604-734-3554.

Flyer here

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to May 19


Over the course of the weekend, with the support of the rhythm of Bealtaine - the bright half of the year, we will orient to the holding of the landscape, both inner and outer.

Through the creative embodied practices of BodyDreaming® and BodySoul Rhythms® we will regulate our systems, Attune to the organic wisdom of our bodysouls and Listen to what psyche is calling to our attention.

Winter Retreat: May 17th-19th, 2024. Fri eve to Sun lunchtime

Venue: Cabragh Lodge, Coolaney, Co. Sligo.

Cost: €380 incl. Accommodation, food and materials)

For information and application form, email or

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7:00 PM19:00

THE DROP IN WELL Peer support group – on line - with Ana Kirby and Fionnuala Bates.

How do we live BodySoul? 

 What do we want from the Well?

This peer-support is open to anyone who has attended a workshop or training in BodySoul Rhythms or BodyDreaming.  We meet for one hour, on the first Monday of the month.


We open with the ritual of Sophia's Bowl, which is inspired by the Dance of Three.  Gathering and grounding, led by a Poet, we listen to a verse.  Then we take turns to speak from where we are in the Now.  All the time we are witnessed and contained by one another in the group.  


There is time, then, to express and share our experiences of living BodySoul, however we manage it, in our everyday lives.  We aim to finish punctually on the hour.

 If you would like to join us, please contact either of us:

 Ana, email: (phone 0044 7885 260203)

Fionnuala, email: (phone 00353 86 3897277)  


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