Holy Well, Killinaboy, Co Clare
Photo: Tony Kirby
How do we live BodySoul?
What do we want from the Well?
This peer-support group is open to anyone who has attended a workshop or training in BodySoul Rhythms or BodyDreaming. We meet for one hour, on the FOURTH Monday of the month.
We open with the ritual of Sophia's Bowl, which is inspired by the Dance of Three. We gather and ground with a guided meditation, then we listen to a short poem or verse. We take turns to speak from where we are in the Now. All the time we are witnessed and contained by one another in the group.
There is time then, to express and share our experiences of living BodySoul, however we manage it, in our everyday lives. We aim to finish punctually on the hour.
If you would like to join us, please contact either of us:
Ana, email: ana.kirby2@icloud.com (phone 0044 7885 260203)
Fionnuala, email: fionnuala_bates@hotmail.com (phone 00353 86 3897277