Photo credit Cedrus Monte
About this event
It could be argued that any true healing of neurosis would need to bring both spiritual life and the natural world to a new understanding. We are perhaps still trying to solve the problem of healing on a too personal, psychological level. Jung was deeply concerned over the loss of our connection with Nature, with the Great Mother. The word “matter” has become a purely intellectual concept. How different was the former image of matter — the Great Mother — which could convey profound emotional meaning. By wandering in the natural world we begin to awaken to our primal, embodied connection to the Great Mother and feel the awe and gratitude that are ours to receive when we open to the beauty and mysteries that are an integral part of the natural world. In this way we might in part begin to heal, at the level of soul, an ever-increasing neurotic and collapsing world.
Cedrus Monte, Jungian Analyst, graduate of the C. G. Jung Institute (1996) Member of IAAP (emerita)/AGAP. Originally from the San Francisco Bay Area, she now lives and practices in Zurich, Switzerland. In addition to numerous papers included in Jungian anthologies, she has published CORPUS ANIMA: Reflections from the Unity of Body and Soul (Chiron Publications) and A MEMOIR OF MEMORIES: Remembering the Death of My Mother (Little Owl Press, Zurich; with accompanying podcast on Speaking of Jung, episode 68).
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