A workshop with Josephine Dyer, Fionnuala Bates & Joan Harcourt in the Yarra Valley, a place of Dadirri, deep listening.
Following the work in previous years we will focus on personal dreams and reflections from “The Pregnant Virgin” by M. Woodman where she outlines the process of psychological transformation.
As Marion Woodman states: “It is a challenge to listen to the heart, to hear the language that lives in Silence, as surely as it lives in the Word.”
Here in this place of mountains and water we will meet each other and listen to the deep still waters within.
Cost: $300 including meals & snacks.
Click HERE to download the flyer. and HERE for Application Form.
Further enquiries from Josephine Dyer on 0061 408 370 217 or email josephinedyer1@bigpond.com