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BodyDreaming® and The Splendor Solis - Online Series of 4 Experiential Workshops - Marian Dunlea & Wendy Bratherton

Splendor Solis-Alchemical Treaty-Venus-the Peacock's tail. Repro of the French National Library copy. ca 1582 (detail)

Splendor Solis-Alchemical Treaty-Venus-the Peacock's tail. Repro of the French National Library copy. ca 1582 (detail)

With the current state of global turmoil and the challenges facing us as individuals and collectively, we feel that the Splendor Solis workshop can offer us powerful images to contemplate and consider.
Read more: click HERE for flyer

Fridays: November 20, 27, December 4 & 11, 2020. Time: 4-7 pm (UK time)
Cost: Early Bird to September 30th: £260
Full Fee from October 1st: £325

Led by: Marian Dunlea
Wendy Bratherton