To C.G. Jung, our imagination is the doorway to divinity: it serves as a symbolic intermediary allowing for the imaging of the imageless divine.
These living images allowed medieval women mystics to stand in relationship with the transcendent; a transcendent that over-flowed their consciousness, transmuted and grounded it in their body. In their numinous experiences, they envisioned Jesus as an “incarnational form” of divinity (Self; Jung’s “God within us”) that was feminine in nature, a “continuum with” rather than an “opposition to” their ordinary feminine experience of embodiment.
Booking Details:
Registration closes on Wednesday, 14th February @ 6.00pm
Admission: €22.42 / Students: €17.07
Booking is via Eventbrite only
This event will be recorded, and the link will be available for 2 weeks for the personal viewing of registered participants only
Flyer here