Past events


Brigit: Birthing a New Spring for Our Time
Residential Weekend with Mary Condren & Marian Dunlea

29 January (evening) – 31 January 2010
Sophia Wisdom Centre, 25 Cork Street, Dublin 8

In this weekend event, we will experience the quickening energy of Imbolc and nourish Brigit's energy (the neart) in ourselves while we gather the seeds of our Spring dreams. Imbolc marks the beginning of Spring in the Celtic calendar, and is traditionally a time when Brigit is celebrated as goddess, poet, healer, smith worker and saint. Mary and Marian have each facilitated Brigit festivals in Ireland and abroad for over 20 years.

For further details please check: /

Body Dreaming - Spring Workshop
Residential Weekend with Marian Dunlea & Wendy Bratherton
26 - 28 February 2010
Ammerdown Centre Radstock, Nr. Bath, BA3 5S

This will be the third European Body Dreaming workshop at Ammerdown. This work mirrors the deep healing at the place where old traumas, symptoms and complexes hold fast in the neural pathways of the body. The Spring dreamings offer new possibilities for change which we will explore dynamically by paying attention to how the dreams take root in our bodysouls so that the possibilities for new life can be sustained. 

It is a Marion Woodman Foundation affiliated workshop and some discretionary bursaries are available on request. If you are interested in joining the group then please get in touch with Louise Holland at or by ringing 00 44 1223 353 029 for an application form and further details. 

On-going Professional Development Group Module 3
11 - 14 March 2010
Boghill Centre in the Burren

For more information on Modules 2 and 3, visit

Professional and Personal Development through Mask Work
18 March (evening) - 21 March, 2010
Dolgarren Garden Room, near Ross-on-Wye 

This residential workshop for Experienced Practitioners particularly focuses on the self in professional practice and living ‘the unlived life’, where people get in touch with aspects of themselves that are not fully lived. It is recommended for people where self knowledge and self understanding are critical to delivering high quality work, and for those who wish to step further into their own inner journey. Bookings must be reserved and paid for in full by 18th February 2010. More information can be found at

On-going Professional Development Group Module 4
A Marion Woodman Foundation Affiliated Programme with Marian Dunlea & Wendy Bratherton
20 - 23 May 2010
Boghill Centre in the Burren

This residential programme is open to anyone who has completed three BodySoulRhythms Intensives. 
It starts at 3:00 pm on 20th and ends at 11:00 am on 23 May.

‘Then … what is your myth - the myth in which you do live?’ C. G. Jung, Memories, Dreams and Reflections

Most of us are familiar with the deeply moving influences of a myth's metaphors. However, there is an equally influential personal myth that guides and even impedes us, a myth that shapes and imprints itself upon our individual and individuating lives. Often begun in utero, its Ariadne thread weaves its way into the very fiber of our life story. 

For this module you will need to bring 10 images gathered from magazines, etc., a glue stick, scissors, varied colored non-toxic markers, a mirror large enough to see your eyes, an open heart and mind for a rich four days of BodySoul exploration and integration with Marian Dunlea and Wendy Bratherton. 

Wendy Bratherton BSc. Wendy is a Jungian Analyst and Cranio-sacral Therapist. She lives in Cambridge, UK, where she has worked in private practice for over 20 years. She is an Infant Observation Seminar leader and has a particular interest in infantile trauma. Wendy has contributed to the book Contemporary Jungian Analysis, Ed. Ian Alister and Christopher Hauke. In writing for this book she came across the work of Marion Woodman and has since completed the BSR Leadership Programme. She then trained in Cranio-sacral therapy and trauma work. She also brings her 30 years experience and study of Tai Chi, Qigong and meditation.

Click here to visit Marian's website at

Cost - €475
Please note, all registration forms and payments must be returned to the Administrator.

The Soul's Journey in Dream and Body
A BodySoul Intensive in Ireland with Marian Dunlea, Sheila Langston & Sue Congram
6 - 15 June 2010
Dunderry Lodge, Navan, County Meath

In the midst of an evocative, natural setting, we will engage in a depth process, listening to the soul as it expresses itself in the body and in dream. The Irish landscape provides a powerful resonance to mirror the soul's journey. We will explore the psyche-soma connection in a creative and playful spirit, through dream embodiment, movement, voice, mask, and artwork. Jungian psychology provides our map to the dream world and the unconscious as we incorporate Marion Woodman's approach to redeeming the feminine. An Irish fairy tale will provide the metaphor, illuminating our journey. Over the past 6 years, this gathering has welcomed a wonderful mix of North American, Irish, European, and British women, which has been rich and stimulating for all. This week-long retreat starts on Tuesday 6 June at 4pm and it ends on Tuesday 15 June at 10am.

Prerequisite: Open to women with at least 50 hours Jungian analysis/therapy and 50 hours active bodywork (such as yoga, tai chi, Authentic Movement, Feldenkrais, 5Rhythms - bodywork that uses imagery and/or conscious attention), or consent of instructor.

To Enroll: Please send a completed application and enrollment form, plus a deposit of $250 to the Marion Woodman Foundation Program Office (contact information listed below). 

Cost: $2,195 (Shared Room) Fee includes all course costs, 7 nights lodging, all meals, and must be paid in US dollars.

Financial Assistance: Due to the generosity of our donors, the Marion Woodman Foundation may offer financial assistance to those who wish to participate in BodySoul programs where need might otherwise prevent it. Please request this assistance in writing. Include your name, address, contact information, and occupation. State the program(s) you wish to attend and why, and include a brief description of the financial circumstances that make enrollment difficult. Include this with your enrollment form and send to the address below.

The balance is due April 15, 2010. 
Refunds: If you cancel before April 15, we will refund your fee less $100. After April 15, we will refund your fee less $250. 
We must have notice of cancellation in writing. 

Marion Woodman Foundation Program Office
492 Corralitos Road Corralitos, 
CA 95076
Phone: 00 (1) 831-724-4040 Fax: 00 (1) 831-724-4044

Click here for more information and to download the enrollment form

Discovering the Unlived Life through Dreams and Mask Work
A Marion Woodman Foundation Affiliated Programme with Sue Congram & Marian Dunlea
6 - 11 July 2010

Rahona Beach Hotel, Sithonia, Greece

This workshop is for men and women who are engaged in their own personal work and want to inquire deeper. It is run as a personal reflection residential workshop with dream work and active imagination, using bodywork, voice, mask, and art. Held at the delightfully positioned Rahona Beach hotel overlooking the sea in Northern Greece, we use the inner and outer space of natures environment to share dreams, to connect with the unlived life, and develop personal masks as a symbol of new life.
More information can be found at

On-going Professional Development Group Module 5
A Marion Woodman Foundation Affiliated Programme with Sheila Langston & Marian Dunlea
16 - 19 September 2010
Boghill Centre in the Burren

An invitation to all those who have completed a minimum of 3 previous Mask Workshops or equivalent. Join us as we work with our shadow masks, through dialogue and practise, to discover what it means to live more fully into the energy and the mystery they hold. We will look at ways to work with the masks, through exercises and improvisations. You are asked to bring a mask which was made in a previous Phase 1, to deepen your connection and consciousness around this particular aspect of shadow.

Cost - €475 (Bursaries are available upon request)
A deposit of €150 is required by Friday 30th July in order to secure your place on the Workshop
Registration – Contact the Administrator, Safia, at or for more details click HERE to download a Word document. 
Please note, all registration forms and payments must be returned to the Administrator.

More information can be found at

Body Dreaming - Autumn Equinox
A Marion Woodman Affiliated Workshop with Marian Dunlea & Wendy Bratherton
24 - 26 September 2010
Ammerdown Centre Radstock, Nr. Bath, BA3 5S

Places are still available on this fourth European Body Dreaming Workshop. Marian Dunlea writes about this forthcoming workshop: “At this time of equinox, aware of the balancing energies in nature, we seek to balance our inner masculine and feminine energies, the yin and yang, as we move to the darker time of the year".

As part of this workshop, we are planning a visit to the White Spring, the Red Spring and the Chalice Well in Glastonbury. This ancient healing site, where the leylines of masculine and feminine energies converge beneath the Tor, has been a place of pilgrimage since ancient times. A private visit to the White Spring Sanctuary has been arranged for our group in the late morning on Saturday where we can bathe in the very cold pools if we wish and continue our dream work. For further information about the Chalice Well please Google Earthkeeper Glastonbury or

The Body Dreaming Workshop will begin with supper followed by a group meeting on the evening of Friday 24th September. We shall gather again on Saturday morning both before and after breakfast before setting out for Glastonbury around 10.30 a.m. In the healing atmosphere of the White Spring Sanctuary we shall continue our dream work, then visit the Red Spring and the beautiful Chalice Well gardens where, (weather permitting), we shall have a packed lunch. On our return to Ammerdown in the afternoon, we shall gather both after tea and again after supper. On Sunday the group will gather throughout the day and come to a close at 4 p.m. 

If you are interested in joining the group then please get in touch with Louise Holland at or by ringing 00 44 1223 353 029 for further details. 

Cost: £325 (single room) £190 (non-residential)
Some discretionary bursaries are available on request

Click HERE to download the application form as a Word document.

On-going Professional Development Group Module 6
A Marion Woodman Foundation Affiliated Programme with Marian Dunlea
02 - 05 December 2010
Boghill Centre in the Burren

Registration – Contact the Administrator, Safia, at
More information can be found at

Imbolc: Stirring into New Life
Residential Weekend with Mary Condren, Marian Dunlea & Mérovée Guerin
28 January (evening) – 30 January 2011
St. Michael’s Nursing School, Dunlaoire, Co. Dublin

In this weekend event, we will experience the quickening energy of Imbolc and nourish Brigit's energy (the neart) in ourselves while we gather the seeds of our Spring dreams. Imbolc marks the beginning of Spring in the Celtic calendar, and is traditionally a time when Brigit is celebrated as goddess, poet, healer, smith worker and saint. 

Registration: €250 Early bird registration €225 by January 15 2011. A number of bursaries will be available to make this workshop accessible in the current climate. Please apply early for a bursary to

Click HERE for more information and to download the enrollment form


Body Dreaming IMBOLC
Residential Weekend with Jungian Analysts Marian Dunlea & Wendy Bratherton
25 - 27 February 2011
Ammerdown Centre Radstock, Nr. Bath, BA3 5S

Imbolc - ‘parturition’ - the Ewe’s milk, is the time that marks new beginnings in the Celtic tradition. Brigit, the triple goddess and latter day Christian Saint, stands at this threshold of Spring, invoking the archetypal energies of healing, the alchemical fire of smithcraft, and the creative arts of poetry. We invite you to join us for a weekend of BodyDreaming, as we explore the new energy in our psyche’s dreams and images and in our body’s Spring pulse. We are held in the rhythm of nature at Ammerdown and close to Glastonbury, the seat of the ancient Goddess, where we hope to visit the White Spring and Chalice Well, and draw on the life force of its flowing waters.

Cost: Residential fee £345, Non-residential £290. 

It is a Marion Woodman Foundation affiliated workshop and some discretionary bursaries are available on request. If you are interested in joining the group then please get in touch with Louise Holland at or by ringing 00 44 1223 353 029 for an application form and further details. 

Click HERE to download the flyer. 

On-going Professional Development Group Module 7
A Marion Woodman Foundation Affiliated Programme with Ann Skinner & Marian Dunlea
10 - 13 March 2011
Boghill Centre in the Burren

An invitation to all those who have completed a minimum of 3 previous Mask Workshops or equivalent. Join us in this workshop 'Rooting our Voices in the Deep Feminine' with Ann Skinner voice specialist and BodySoul Rhythms founding teacher.

Cost - €475 (Limited bursaries are available upon request) 

Click HERE to download the flyer

Further Enquires:

Conference 2011
BodySoul Community: Honouring Roots, Nurturing New Life
A Marion Woodman Affiliated Workshop
28 April 2011 (All day or non-timed event)
Techny Towers Centre in Northbrook, Illinois
, Illinois near Chicago and O’Hare Airport

The aim of the conference will be to tend the BodySoul Community through connection, sharing, and learning. Please note the posted title is a working title. The conference is open to women who have completed at least three Marion Woodman Foundation BodySoul Intensives.
Steering Group: Keren Vishny, Marian Dunlea, Heather Miller, Carol Jacobs, Madeleine O'Callaghan.

Cost: It is a little too early to be able to forecast the cost with accuracy, but we are bearing in mind the need expressed by many to keep costs as realistic as possible.

Contact Keren Vishny for general information
Contact Carol Jacobs with ideas and suggestions for the Conference Programme
Click HERE to visit the website.

Bread of Understanding Water of Wisdom: Integrating the Sacred Feminine
A Marion Woodman Foundation Affiliated Programme with Madeleine O'Callaghan & Pauline Sayhi
03 - 05 June 2011
St Claret Centre, Buckden, Cambs PE19 5TA, UK

This Spiritual Retreat is offered to women of all ages who feel drawn to explore feminine dimensions of divinity in order to enhance their sense of self and their relationship with divine reality. It offers an opportunity to heal the imbalance caused by the death of feminine images of the divine in western spiritual culture; to enable each woman to have a body-felt experience of the sacredness of her own femininity and of her relationship with the sacred source of life.

Cost - £280 

Click HERE to download the flyer

For booking and further information please contact:
Madeleine O'Callaghan
42 Peverel Road
Cambridge, CB5 8RH
Tel: +44 (0)1223 213451

Discovering the Unlived Life through Dreams and Mask Work
A Marion Woodman Foundation Affiliated Programme with Sue Congram & Marian Dunlea
05 - 10 July 2011

Rahona Beach Hotel, Sithonia, Greece

This workshop is for men and women who are engaged in their own personal work and want to inquire deeper. It is run as a personal reflection residential workshop with dream work and active imagination, using bodywork, voice, mask, and art. Held at the delightfully positioned Rahona Beach hotel overlooking the sea in Northern Greece, we use the inner and outer space of natures environment to share dreams, to connect with the unlived life, and develop personal masks as a symbol of new life.

Cost: €750 

Click HERE to download the flyer
More information can be found at

On-going Professional Development Group Module 8
Body-Dreaming & Alchemy - The Splendor Solis 
A Marion Woodman Affiliated Workshop with Marian Dunlea & Wendy Bratherton
20 - 23 October 2011

Boghill Centre in the Burren

This residential programme is open to anyone who has completed at least one mask workshop with the Marion Woodman Foundation or equivalent.
It starts at 3 pm on Thursday and ends mid-morning on Sunday.

Cost - €470 (Limited bursaries are available upon request) 
A deposit of €150 is payable at time of booking with the remaining amount due by 15 September. 

Click HERE to download the flyer

Further Enquires:


SAP Annual Lecture: Wendy J Bratherton, 'Witnessing the Unspoken' 
Respondent: Judith Woodhead; Chair: Margaret Wilkinson
17 March 2012 from 10 am - 12.30 pm
Venue: 120 Belsize Lane, London, NW3 5BA

Cost: £25 (£15 for students with ID) Tea and coffee will be served

For more information click HERE

SAP Workshop: An Introduction to BodySoul Work for Psychotherapists and Analysts
with Marian Dunlea & Wendy J Bratherton
17 - 18 March 2012
Venue: SAP, 1 Daleham Gardens, London NW3 5BY

In this workshop we will introduce BodySoul work developed by Jungian Analyst, Marion Woodman and her colleagues – Voice specialist Ann Skinner and Movement specialist, Mary Hamilton.

Cost: £135 including a sandwich lunch

For more information click HERE

Marion Woodman: Dancing in the Flames
with Dariane Pictet & Gill Kind
17 March 2012 from 10 am - 3 pm
The Essex Church, 112 Palace Gardens Terrace, London W8 4RT

We will watch and discuss 'Dancing in the Flames'. Andrew Harvey and Marion Woodman’s fascinating dialogue on death and birth, addiction and creation, light and darkness, wildness and holiness, man and woman. 
The film will be followed by an introduction to BodySoul world: an optional inner-directed movement process in the afternoon co-facilitated by Heba Zaphiriou Zarifi and Guislaine Morland. A joint workshop between the C. G. Jung Club London and GAPS.

Cost £30 (concessions) Members £25 Lunch £7

For more information click HERE

On-going Professional Development Group Module 9
Addiction: The Flight from Life
A Marion Woodman Foundation Affiliated Programme with Susan Adams & Marian Dunlea
12 - 15 April 2012
Boghill Centre in the Burren

In this workshop we will work with myth and the patterns of addiction that are rooted in our 'bodies storylines' and see how they shape our neurobiology. Healing images from our dreams and bodywork will act as powerful resources to bring the addiction cycle to consciousness and allow the Soul to guide us toward wholeness.

This workshop is open to anyone who has completed at least one BodySoul Rhythms Intensive with the Marion Woodman Foundation. These modules are both experiential and educational in content. They are included in the new criteria for accreditation for Leadership Training with the Foundation. 

Cost - €475 (Limited bursaries are available upon request) 

Click HERE to download the flyer

Further Enquires:

Individuation and Feminine Consciousness: Healing the Mother/Daughter Relationship
A BodySoul Intensive in Ireland with Marian Dunlea, Sheila Langston & Sue Congram
4 - 11 June 2012
Dunderry Lodge, Navan, County Meath

Our early attachment relationships create the environment in which we grow. Neuroscience shows us that the brain mind body connection forms out of our primary relationships. The body is left holding the shadow, when the circumstances are not favourable to growing a secure relationship. We know that the body mind continues to have the potential to grow and develop new neural pathways, to become the person we are meant to be. In the midst of an evocative natural setting close to the ancient site of Tara, we will engage in a depth process, unravelling the mystery of the body-mind connection, the dance of psyche and soma. Through movement, voice and mask work, we will engage with our images at a cellular level. Witnessing how we grow a new embodied container allows the healing of old wounds, opening new possibilities for our creative living. 

Registration begins at 4pm on Monday, June 4. The first meeting will begin after dinner that evening, June 4.

Prerequisite: Open to women with at least 50 hours Jungian analysis/therapy and 50 hours active bodywork (such as yoga, tai chi, Authentic Movement, Feldenkrais, 5Rhythms - bodywork that uses imagery and/or conscious attention), or consent of instructor.

Cost: $2,345 (Shared room) Fee includes all course costs, 7 nights lodging, and all meals, and must be paid in US dollars.

Financial Assistance: Due to the generosity of our donors, financial assistance is available for those who wish to attend Marion Woodman Foundation programs but cannot afford full fees. If you wish to apply, please complete the Financial Assistance Request form. We will respond to let you know if assistance can be offered and if so, what amount. Students requesting financial assistance should complete the application steps described in How to Enroll to determine whether you meet program prerequisites.

Refunds: If you cancel before April 4, 2012, we will refund your fee less $100. After April 4, we cannot refund your fee unless we can replace you in the program. We will do our best to do this. If we can replace you (after April 4), we will refund your fee less $250 plus any charges incurred at the facility. We must have notice of cancellation in writing.

Marion Woodman Foundation
7110 SW Fir Loop, Suite 250
Portland, OR 97223
Phone: 00 (1) 503-746-5899

Discovering the Unlived Life through Dreams and Mask Work
A Marion Woodman Foundation Affiliated Programme with Sue Congram & Marian Dunlea
02 - 07 July 2012

Skites Hotel, Ouranoupolis, Chalkidiki, Northern Greece

This workshop is for men and women who are engaged in their own personal work and want to inquire deeper. It is run as a personal reflection residential workshop with dream work and active imagination, using bodywork, voice, mask, and art. Held at the delightful villa on the coast of Northern Greece with private access to the sea and small beach, this venue offers a wonderful space for personal reflection and relaxation. We use the inner and outer space of natures environment to share dreams, to connect with the unlived life, and develop personal masks as a symbol of new life.

Cost: €600 

For more information click HERE
More information can be found at and at

Body-Dreaming & Alchemy - The Splendor Solis 
A Workshop
 with Marian Dunlea & Wendy Bratherton
21 - 23 September 2012

Ammerdown Centre Radstock, Nr. Bath, BA3 5SW

Cost - £330 Includes accommodation in single, ensuite rooms. A limited number of bursaries are available. 

Click HERE to download the flyer

For details and application form contact Louise Holland at

On-going Professional Development Group Module 10
Standing and Understanding
A Marion Woodman Foundation Affiliated Programme with Bernadette Divilly & Marian Dunlea
15 - 18 November 2012
Boghill Centre in the Burren

In this module somatic psychologist and dance movement therapist Bernadette Divilly introduces movement explorations in standing and understanding. Under Standing explores the body mind soul connection to earthing our dreams, through focusing attention to the finer details involved in standing. How we integrate top and bottom, all sides, behind and in front of us is unique to each body soul. This workshop will explore how we develop our gait. We will explore early developmental actions and study how getting on our own two feet helps us to meet our own needs and mind our selves and live creatively.

It starts at 3 pm on Thursday and ends mid-morning on Sunday. Please arrive earlier so you can settle into your room and have a cup of tea before we start working in the afternoon.

This workshop is open to anyone who has completed at least one BodySoul Rhythms® Intensive with the Marion Woodman Foundation. These modules are both experiential and educational in content. They are included in the new criteria for accreditation for Leadership Training with the Foundation. 

Cost - €475 (Limited bursaries are available upon request) 

Further Enquires:


Engaging Soul's Body: International Authentic Movement Retreat for Women and Men
A Marion Woodman Foundation Community Workshop with Tina Stromsted assisted by Margareta Neuberger
15 - 21 June 2013
Tuscany, Italy

Designed for healing practitioners, clinicians, educators, artists, and those interested in growth and matters of the spirit, this depth-oriented Jungian approach will integrate Authentic Movement (active imagination in movement), drawing, writing, communion with nature, and creative methods from Marion Woodman's BodySoul Rhythms® approach. Studio sessions will be supplemented by seminars focusing on questions arising from your personal explorations, as well as applications relevant to your creative and professional work.

Nestled in Tuscany's beautiful rolling hills and vineyards, the private retreat center offers a peaceful, inspiring setting for self-renewal. Walking trails, delicious Tuscan cooking and a swimming pool enhance the experience. Nearby coastal villages make for a wonderful holiday if you can take the time following the intensive, as well.

Cost - U$1,390 paid registration by January 15, 2013. After that date U$1,450

Further Enquires and Registration:
(please include 'Tuscany workshop' in the subject line).

Sandplay in Switzerland: A Two-Week Training Intensive for Professionals
A Marion Woodman Foundation Community Workshop with with Patty Flowers & Judy Zappacosta
13 - 27 July 2013
Einsiedeln, Switzerland

Join us for an opportunity to study and work in depth with Sandplay, imagery, and your own creative process. Travel to Switzerland where Sandplay began, stay in a lovely countryside conference center surrounded by the Swiss Alps, and live for two weeks with international master teachers and a community of like-minded souls. 

The program includes in-depth case presentations by faculty; a day-long session at the Kalff family home where Dora Kalff originally worked; Soul Painting workshops; BodySoul work with dreams, movement, creative expression, and ritual; excursion to the CG Jung Institute of Zurich; opportunities to present your own work for supervision; and a visit to the sacred Black Madonna of Einsiedeln. 

Cost - Single room/private bath, U$5,625. Double room/private bath, U$5,245. Fees include all program costs, all meals and lodging for 14 days, and several excursions. A discount of U$250 is offered if paid in full by end of 2012.

Further Enquires and Registration: or email

Where the Water Meets the Sky
A BodySoul Intensive in Ireland with Marian Dunlea, Sheila Langston & Sue Congram
23 - 30 July 2013
Dunderry Lodge, Navan, County Meath

The myth of Amor and Psyche will provide us with a mirror and a map. In Psyche, we see a heroine who has to complete a series of impossible tasks on her quest for wholeness. We will consider these tasks in the light of the feminine and masculine energies within us. Discovering how these energies meet and part in the body, as well as in the psyche, bring us towards the possibility of a new partnership in the dance between the two.

Prerequisites: Open to women with at least 50 hours Jungian analysis/therapy and 50 hours active bodywork (such as yoga, tai chi, Authentic Movement, Feldenkrais, 5Rhythms - bodywork that uses imagery and/or conscious attention), or consent of instructor.

Cost - Shared room: U$2,345. Fee includes all course costs, 7 nights lodging, and all meals. 

Further Enquires and Registration:

On-going Professional Development Group Module 11
Flow as an Embodied Reality
A Marion Woodman Foundation Community Workshop with Janice Rous & Marian Dunlea
05 - 08 September 2013
Boghill Centre in the Burren

In this workshop, Janice Rous will join me from USA in the exploration of flow as an embodied movement. This process is one of listening to expansion and restriction, flow and resistance, movement and stillness. In this dance of the opposites, we will find where the breath begins and ends, where sound opens freely from its root and where energy is released to express our core vitality. We invite you into this dance of stillness, light, breath and balance. We will listen to our bodies’ dreamings and paint the energies that are awakening. 

This workshop is open to anyone who has completed at least one BodySoul Rhythms® Intensive with the Marion Woodman Foundation. These modules are both experiential and educational in content. They are included in the new criteria for accreditation for Leadership Training with the Foundation. 

Cost - €475 

For more information click HERE

Further Enquires:

BAP Workshop: Psyche's Awakening in the Body
with Marian Dunlea & Wendy J Bratherton
12 October (from 3 to 6 pm) – 13 October 2013 (from 10 am to 4 pm) 
Venue: British Psychotherapy Foundation, 37 Mapesbury Road, London NW2 4HJ

We will engage in the dialogue between body and psyche, listening to the images that arise from the body and from dreams. We engage with these images to embody them through movement, voice, art and dream work. This BodySoul work, routed in Jungian theory, enables us to connect with energy that has been constricted or frozen: opening up new neural pathways that allow for new possibilities to be embodied. 

Closing date for applications: 30 September 2013

Cost: £150 payable in full upon application (includes light lunch on Sunday). Payment can be made by Cheque/Credit/Debit Card. Cheques to be made in favour of the British Psychotherapy Foundation

For more information click HERE

Conference 2013
BodySoul Community: Meeting the World, Living the Questions
17 - 20 October

Techny Towers Centre in Northbrook, Illinois, Illinois near Chicago and O’Hare Airport, USA 

Conference attendance will be open to all women who have completed 3 BodySoul Intensives, regardless of participation in a Leadership Training. 

Proposals: We welcome conference proposals from any woman who has completed a Leadership Training Program, or has completed at least 6 modules of the European Professional Development Programme and 3 Intensives. Proposals may be in the creative arts, experiential workshops, moderated discussions or more formal presentations. As you formulate your proposal, please tell us about a ‘question you are living’ and how it relates to your offering. 

Final deadline: 1 February 2013. However we would like to have your proposals by 15 December 2012. 

Further Enquires:
Keren Vishny (general information USA)
Madeleine O’Callaghan (general information Europe)

Click HERE to download the proposal

Samhain Body-Dreaming & Red Clay Revealings
A Workshop
 with Marian Dunlea & Wendy Bratherton
22 - 24 November 2013

Ammerdown Centre Radstock, Nr. Bath BA3 5SW, UK

Celtic New Year begins on November 1st when the Cailleach, the Old Hag of Winter, makes her descent into the Underworld to incubate the seeds of the new life that will emerge at Imbolc, the Celtic spring. In this year’s workshop Marian and Wendy will explore working with energy - both inner and outer energy and energy in the matter of red clay.

Cost - £375 Includes accommodation in single, ensuite rooms. 

Click HERE to download the flyer

For details and application form contact Louise Holland at



Walking the Tightrope: The Jung-Nietzsche Seminars as taught by Marion Woodman, Seminar 1
A Marion Woodman Foundation Seminar
 in conjuction with the European On-going Professional Development Group
with Marian Dunlea, Patricia Llosa & Sheila Langston
10 - 13 April 2014
Boghill Centre in the Burren

In this advanced seminar we will combine work with two textual sources- C.G. Jung’s Nietzsche Seminars from 1934 and the Marion Woodman Foundation’s publication of Walking the Tightrope. The study of these texts will be integrated with the practice of the core exercises presented in the BodySoul Rhythms® Intensives in order to deepen the understanding of the participants who are already familiar with the BodySoul Rhythms® work. This material brings into focus the role of the body in bringing the operations of the unconscious psyche to consciousness. 

Prerequisites: This workshop is open to anyone who is a member of ALC or has completed 3 BodySoul Intensives with the Marion Woodman Foundation. Exceptions may be made based on a review of a participant's experience: please contact Marian Dunlea at

Cost: Boghill Hostel Room: €910 (€677 tuition, €233 room and board) Boghill En-Suite Double Room: €946 (€677 tuition, €269 room and board) Canville B&B Single Room: €946 (€677 tuition, €269 room and board) Canville B&B Double (sized) Room, single occupancy: €976 (€677 tuition, €299 room and board).

Fee includes tuition, 4 nights lodging and all meals, starting with lunch on Thursday April 10th and ending with lunch on Sunday April 13th. For those wanting rooms at the B&B, you will need transport to and from the Boghill Centre. Breakfast will be provided at the Boghill Centre. Possibility of staying the night before the start of the Seminar at the Boghill Centre: €23 for a shared hostel room; €35 for a shared En-Suite Double room. Please contact the Boghill Centre directly to make a reservation.

Transport to and from the Boghill is by way of Dublin, Shannon or Cork airports (Boghill is 45mn approx. by car from Shannon airport). There may be lifts available from other participants or a group of participants may wish to rent a car: please contact Abigail Whyte at

Further Enquires, please contact Antoinette O'Callaghan:

The Handless Maiden: A Journey for Life
A Marion Woodman Foundation Community Workshop with Joan Harcourt & Heather Keens
Saturdays: 31 May, 28 June, 
19 July 2014
Sydney, Australia 

The Handless Maiden is a long story about individuation, about developing one's inner strength, resilience and creativity. In these workshops there will be an opportunity to explore your own journey to the conscious feminine and the inner positive masculine, through discussion, movement, dream work and art, in a safe and contained setting. 

Cost: $300 for 3 workshops or $120 each individual workshop 

For details contact Heather Keens at

Click HERE to download the flyer

Click HERE for more information 

Encountering BodySoul: Theory and Practice
A BodySoul Symposium in conjunction with the University of Winchester
6 - 8 June 2014

The University of Winchester
Sparkford Road, Hampshire SO22 4NR, UK

Through experiential workshops and discussion panels we will explore Embodied Active Imagination in the context of BodySoul practice. We will offer the opportunity to reflect upon and situate your own experiences and to understand the work’s theoretical underpinnings. We will work individually, in small groups and as a collective.

Cost: £290 (includes conference fee and accommodation) 

Further inquiries:

Click HERE to download the flyer

Click HERE for more information

Integrating the Sacred Feminine: A Retreat for Women
A Marion Woodman Foundation Community Workshop with Madeleine O'Callaghan & Pauline Sayhi
16 - 18 June 2014

Woodbrooke Quaker Study Centre, Birmingham, United Kingdom

This retreat offers women an opportunity to immerse themselves in archetypes and images of the sacred feminine drawn from a variety of sources: sacred literature; the natural world; poetry and art; their own dreams and stories.

Further inquiries:
Tel: +44 (0) 121 472 5171

Discovering the Unlived Life through Dreams and Mask Work
A Marion Woodman Foundation Community Workshop with Sue Congram & Marian Dunlea
24 - 29 June 2014

Skites Hotel, Ouranoupolis, Chalkidiki, Northern Greece

This workshop is for men and women who are engaged in their own personal work and want to inquire deeper. It is run as a personal reflection residential workshop with dream work and active imagination, using bodywork, voice, mask, and art. Held at the delightful villa on the coast of Northern Greece with private access to the sea and small beach, this venue offers a wonderful space for personal reflection and relaxation. We use the inner and outer space of natures environment to share dreams, to connect with the unlived life, and develop personal masks as a symbol of new life.

Cost: €650 + accomodation 

Click HERE for more information

More information can be found at and at

The Handless Maiden: A Journey for Life
A Marion Woodman Foundation Community Workshop with Joan Harcourt & Heather Keens
Saturdays: 28 June, 
19 July 2014
Sydney, Australia 

The Handless Maiden is a long story about individuation, about developing one's inner strength, resilience and creativity. In these workshops there will be an opportunity to explore your own journey to the conscious feminine and the inner positive masculine, through discussion, movement, dream work and art, in a safe and contained setting. 

Cost: $120 each individual workshop 

For details contact Heather Keens at

Click HERE to download the flyer

Click HERE for more information 

Where the Water Meets the Sky: Illuminating the Unique Partnership of the Feminine and the Masculine
A BodySoul Intensive with Marian Dunlea, Sheila Langston & Sue Congram
7 - 14 July 2014
Dunderry Lodge, Dunderry, County Meath, Ireland

The myth of Amor and Psyche will provide us with a mirror and a map. In Psyche, we see a heroine who has to complete a series of impossible tasks on her quest for wholeness. We will consider these tasks in the light of the feminine and masculine energies within us. Discovering how these energies meet and part in the body, as well as in the psyche, bring us towards the possibility of a new partnership in the dance between the two.

Prerequisites: Open to women with at least 50 hours Jungian analysis/therapy and 50 hours active bodywork (such as yoga, tai chi, Authentic Movement, Feldenkrais, 5Rhythms - bodywork that uses imagery and/or conscious attention), or consent of instructor.

Cost: Shared room: U$2,595. Fee includes all course costs, 7 nights lodging, and all meals. 

Further inquires and registration:

Breath, Movement, Joy, and Colour
A Three Day Retreat For Women with Jean Beolan Gascoigne & 
Janice Stieber-Rous
29 - 31 August 2014
Belfast - Ireland

Experience a unique three-day retreat for women sharing together on a creative and spiritual journey within a safe, supportive & confidential setting.We will work with dreams, myth, symbol and metaphor; we will use our bodies, voice and art making to reach into our own deep eternal wells and welcome the dance of the feminine and masculine energies that lie within the beauty of 'I am'.

Cost: £300 (Fees include all art materials, meals and refreshments each day. CPD certificates will be awarded for those who would like one).

For more information contact Jean at:
Or visit and

Click HERE to download the flyer

Re-Newing Our Relationship to the Shadow
A MWF-BSE Intensive Renewal with Marian Dunlea, Mary Hamilton & Ann Skinner
Croyden Hall, Felons Oak, Minehead, Somerset, England
6 - 12 September 2014

In the Intensives, the Jung/Woodman models of the psyche, dreams, body/voice, mask, and artwork facilitate the emergence of shadow and the beginning of its integration with the Self. Renewal was intended as a time for those already practiced in these basic tenets of BSR® to deepen their experience and to recognize the evolution of the shadow figure or material already in consciousness as evidenced by the mask. In this way, we will “re-new” our connection to the Shadow by exploring and integrating its ever-revealing energy.

Prerequisites: Enrollment is limited to graduates of the Marion Woodman Foundation Leadership Training Program or qualifying BodySoul Europe members.

Further inquires and registration:

BodySoul Europe Celebratory Community Meeting & Inaugural Annual General Meeting
3 - 4 October 2014
Rosslyn Hill Chapel 
3 Pilgrim's Place, London

The BodySoul Europe Development Group Invites you to a Celebratory BodySoul Gathering. It starts on the evening of Friday October 4th at 18.00 at Pax Lodge. Then together we shall make the five minute walk to Rosslyn Hill Chapel for supper after which our BodySoul Celebration will begin with an evening of readings, dance, poetry and story-telling until 22.00.

On Saturday we shall gather at 09.00 in the Chapel for our Circle dance and some introductory words. A Labyrinth Walk and meditation and art work will fill most of the morning. In the afternoon some BodySoul Group Activities will be followed by the AGM. Your vote at the AGM is important to BodySoul Europe so we would appreciate your presence. Our Celebratory Gather-ing will end with a Closing Ritual between 16.30 and 17.00.

Cost: £50 

Overnight accommodation available at Pax Lodge if booked before August 19th. 

Further inquires and registration:

Click HERE to download the flyer and HERE for the application form

Samhain Body-Dreaming
A Workshop
 with Marian Dunlea
31 October - 01 November 2014

Einsielden Hotel Allegro Lincolnweg 23, 8840 Einsiedeln, Switzerland

Celtic New Year begins on November 1st when the Cailleach, the Old Hag of Winter, makes her descent into the Underworld to incubate the seeds of the new life that will emerge at Imbolc, the Celtic spring. This workshop will focus on establishing the body's natural harmonic rhythm by regulating cycles of arousal, and in this way support the incubation of the images arising from the celluar depths. 

Click HERE to download the flyer 

For details and application form contact Benedicte Lampe at

Samhain Body-Dreaming & Red Clay Revealings
A Workshop
 with Marian Dunlea & Wendy Bratherton
07 - 09 November 2014

Ammerdown Centre Radstock, Nr. Bath BA3 5SW, UK

Celtic New Year begins on November 1st when the Cailleach, the Old Hag of Winter, makes her descent into the Underworld to incubate the seeds of the new life that will emerge at Imbolc, the Celtic spring. In this year’s workshop Marian and Wendy will explore working with energy - both inner and outer energy and energy in the matter of red clay.

Click HERE to download the flyer

For details and application form contact Louise Holland at


BodySoul South-West IMBOLC Community Event
TBC Late January or Early February 2015

Monkton Farleigh Village Hall
Wilts, BA15 2QD

Further Enquires:

Psyche's Awakening in the Body
with Marian Dunlea & Wendy Bratherton
14 February 2015
British Psychotherapy Foundation
37 Mapesbury Road, London, NW2 4HJ

Further Enquiries:

IMBOLC BodyDreaming™: Brigid and the Rites of Spring
A Workshop
 with Marian Dunlea assisted by Masako Machizawa
21 - 22 February 2015
Einsielden Hotel Allegro 
Lincolnweg 23, 8840 Einsiedeln, Switzerland

For booking and further information please contact:

Click HERE to download the flyer 

Walking the Tightrope: The Jung-Nietzsche Seminars as taught by Marion Woodman, Seminars 2 & 3
A Marion Woodman Foundation Seminar
 in conjuction with the European On-going Professional Development Group
with Marian Dunlea, Patricia Llosa & Sheila Langston
09 - 12 April 2015
Boghill Centre in the Burren, Ireland

Further Enquiries:

Caves of Painted Dreamas: Dreams, Symbolism and Mindfulness in the Painted Caves of France
A BodySoul Community Workshop with Carol Aalbers
18 - 25 May 2015
La Tour de Cause B&B in Pont de Cause, Dordogne Valley, France

Further Enquires and Registration: and or

Discovering the Unlived Life through Dreams and Mask Work
A Marion Woodman Foundation Community Workshop with Sue Congram & Marian Dunlea
09 - 14 June 2015

Skites Hotel, Ouranoupolis, Chalkidiki, Northern Greece

More information can be found at and at

Embodied Alchemy: An International Retreat for Women and Men
A Marion Woodman Foundation Community Workshop with Tina Stromsted
27 June - 3 July 2015
Tuscany, Italy

Click HERE for information & application form

Further inquires and registration:

Sandplay in Switzerland: A Two-Week Training Intensive for Professionals
A Marion Woodman Foundation Community Workshop with Patty Flowers & Judy Zappacosta
11 - 25 July 2015
Einsiedeln, Switzerland

Further inquires and registration: or email

Women Who Run With Wolves Workshops: The Ugly Duckling – ‘Finding One’s Pack’
A Marion Woodman Foundation Community Workshop with Jayne Hayden & Claire Shackleton
12 July 2015
The Hub, Shaw Bank, Barnard Castle
Co. Durham. DL12 8TD, UK

Cost: £75 /£65 Early bird (Payment one month before workshop date)

Further inquires and registration: or

Click HERE to download the flyer

A BodySoul Rhythms®Intensive with Marian Dunlea, Sheila Langston & Sue Congram
13 - 20 July 2015
Dunderry Park
Dunderry, County Meath, Ireland

Click HERE for information & application form

Further Enquiries:
For more information:

Women Who Run With Wolves Workshops: La Llorona
A Marion Woodman Foundation Community Workshop with Jayne Hayden & Claire Shackleton
11 October 2015
The Hub, Shaw Bank, Barnard Castle
Co. Durham. DL12 8TD, UK

An open invitation to women with a willingness and desire to connect. You do not need any prior experience. 

Cost: £75 /£65 Early bird (Payment one month before workshop date)
Further inquires and registration: or

Click HERE to download the flyer

BodyDreaming™ & the Dance of the Still Point
A Marion Woodman Foundation Community Workshop with Marian Dunlea & Pauline Sayhi
16 - 18 October 2015
Boghill Centre in the Burren, Ireland

Further Enquiries:

Click HERE for more information and HERE for the application form

BodyDreaming™ & Red Clay Revealings
A Workshop
 with Marian Dunlea & Wendy Bratherton
06 - 08 November 2015

Ammerdown Centre
Radstock, Nr. Bath BA3 5SW,

Click HERE for more information and HERE for the application form

BodySoul Community Group in Dublin with Abigail Whyte
A monthly group on Fridays from 6.30 - 9.30pm
10 November 2015

Clonlea Yoga Studio

Prerequisite: participants have/are attending Psychotherapy
What to bring: soft blanket, throw, dream journal or note book

Further inquiries:

BodySoul Europe Annual General Meeting
A Teleconference Call
28 November 2015

Click HERE to download the flyer

BodySoul Community Group in Dublin with Abigail Whyte
A monthly group on Fridays from 6.30 - 9.30pm

11 December 2015
Clonlea Yoga Studio

Prerequisite: participants have/are attending Psychotherapy
What to bring: soft blanket, throw, dream journal or note book

Further inquiries:


BodySoul Community Group in Dublin with Abigail Whyte
A monthly group on Fridays from 6.30 - 9.30pm
22nd Jan, 12th Feb, 11th Mar, 15th Apr, 13th May, 10th Jun 2016

Clonlea Yoga Studio

Prerequisite: participants have/are attending Psychotherapy
What to bring: soft blanket, throw, dream journal or note book

Further inquiries:

Walking the Tightrope: The Jung-Nietzsche Seminars
Peer group conference calls for LTP5 – One-hour session Sundays, 19:00 GMT, 20:00 CET 

03 January - pp. 388-423
10 January - pp. 424-455
17 January - pp. 457-488
24 January - pp. 489-522

07 February - pp 523-560
14 February - pp. 561-600
21 February - pp. 601-637

06 March - pp. 638-676
13 March - pp. 677-711
20 March - pp. 712-748 

Further enquiries:

Europe Community Garden Party Sunday with Sue Congram & Harriet Castor
A conversation about Sue’s work and book Engendering Balance: A Fresh Approach to Leadership
28 February 2016 at 7:00 pm GMT/ 8:00 pm CET

Click HERE to download the flyer

Post-Party News!

The recording for Sue and Harriet’s conversation can be heard on the homepage of Sue’s website

Walking the Tightrope: The Jung-Nietzsche Seminars as taught by Marion Woodman, Seminars 3 & 4
A Marion Woodman Foundation Seminar
 in conjuction with the European On-going Professional Development Group with Marian Dunlea, Patricia Llosa & Sheila Langston
04 - 10 April 2016
Boghill Centre in the Burren

Further Enquiries:
For more information:

Women Who Run With Wolves Workshops: La Loba
A BodySoul Community Workshop with Jayne Hayden & Claire Shackleton
01 May 2016
The Hub Shaw Bank, Barnard Castle
Co. Durham. DL12 8TD, UK

An open invitation to women with a willingness and desire to connect with their soul's journey. You do not need any prior experience. 

Cost: £85 /£75 Early bird (Payment one month before workshop date)

Further inquires and registration: or

Click HERE to download the flyer

BodySoul Europe Community Garden Party Sunday with Maja Reinau & Vernessa Foelix
A conversation about Maja’s work and book Love Matters: A Study of Embodied Psychic Transformation
in the context of BodySoul Rhythms®
22 May 2016 at 7:00 pm GMT/ 8:00 pm CET 

Click HERE to download the flyer

Discovering the Unlived Life through Dreams and Mask Work
A Marion Woodman Foundation Community Workshop with Sue Congram & Marian Dunlea
14 - 19 June 2016

Skites Hotel, Ouranoupolis, Chalkidiki, Northern Greece

For more information: and

A Journey through Story and the Body to the Ground of Being with Sue-Claire Morris & Rebecca Brewin
24 June - 01 July 2016
Anilio Centre, Pelion, Greece

Click HERE for more information

Where the Water Meets the Sky: Illuminating the Unique Partnership of the Feminine and the Masculine
A BodySoul Rhythms®Intensive with Marian Dunlea, Sheila Langston & Sue Congram
04 - 11 July 2016
Dunderry Park
Dunderry, County Meath, Ireland

Click HERE for information & application form

Further Enquiries:
For more information:

Women Who Run With Wolves Workshops: Blue Beard - Beginning Initiation - Stalking the Intruder
A BodySoul Community Workshop with Jayne Hayden & Claire Shackleton
17 July 2016
The Hub Shaw Bank, Barnard Castle
Co. Durham. DL12 8TD, UK

An open invitation to women with a willingness and desire to connect with their soul's journey. You do not need any prior experience. 

Cost: £85 /£75 Early bird (Payment one month before workshop date)

Further inquires and registration: or

Click HERE to download the flyer

Caves of Painted Dreams: Dreams, Symbolism and Mindfulness in the Painted Caves of France
A BodySoul Community Workshop with Carol Aalbers
01 - 08 October 2016
La Tour de Cause B&B in Pont de Cause, Dordogne Valley, France

Further Enquires and Registration: and
or email

BodySoul Europe AGM
28 - 29 October 2016
Rosslyn Hill Chapel 
3 Pilgrim’s Place, London

Click HERE to download the flyer and HERE for the application form

Samhain BodyDreaming™ & Clay Mask Workshop
A Workshop
 with Marian Dunlea & Wendy Bratherton
11 - 13 November 2016

Ammerdown Centre
Radstock, Nr. Bath BA3 5SW,

Click HERE to download the flyer

Further inquiries and registration:


BodyDreaming™ Affect Regulation and Self Regulation
A Workshop
 with Marian Dunlea
08 - 09 April 2017

Clonlea Yoga Studio Blackrock, Co Dublin

Cost: €180

Click HERE to download the application form 

Further Enquiries:

Women Who Run With Wolves Workshops
The Handless Maiden - Initiation in the Underground Forest
A BodySoul Community Workshop with Jayne Hayden & Claire Shackleton
07 May 2017
The Hub Shaw Bank, Barnard Castle
Co. Durham. DL12 8TD, UK

An open invitation to women with a willingness and desire to connect with their soul's journey. You do not need any prior experience. 

Cost: £85 /£75 Early bird (Payment one month before workshop date)

Further inquires and Registration: or

Click HERE to download the flyer

In Search of the Black Madonna: A Pilgrimage to Northern Spain
A BodySoul Community Workshop with with Patty Flowers & Judy Zappacosta
14 - 27 May 2017
Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain

Further Enquires and Registration: and
or email

BodyThreads: Realising Potential
A Workshop with Ana Kirby & Alison Sayers
19 - 21 May 2017
Forest of Dean at the
 ASHA Centre Gunn Mill House, Flaxley, 
Gloucestershire, GL170EA

Cost:£315 /£290 Early bird

Click HERE to download the flyer 

Further Enquires and Registration: or call +44 (0) 7802 421651.

Discovering the Unlived Life through BodyDreaming™ and Mask Work
A Marion Woodman Foundation Community Workshop with Sue Congram & Marian Dunlea
13 - 18 June 2017

Skites Hotel, Ouranoupolis, Chalkidiki, Northern Greece

Further Enquires and Registration: and

Sandplay in Switzerland: A Two-Week Training Intensive for Professionals
A BodySoul Community Workshop with with Patty Flowers & Judy Zappacosta
17 June - 01 July 2017
Einsiedeln, Switzerland

This unique two-week intensive is for those interested in Jung’s understanding of the psyche, want to deepen their understanding of Sandplay Therapy, and who would like an opportunity to work with embodied consciousness as developed by Marion Woodman. 

Pre-Conference Workshop: In the Footsteps of C.G. Jung – An Introduction to Zurich and Switzerland

This pre-conference workshop (14-17 June 2017), offers the opportunity to awaken to the inner and outer landscapes of the psyche. Explore the area where both Dora Kalff and C.G. Jung lived and worked, see some of the most interesting sites in Zurich, relax into the natural beauty of the area, and acclimate to the environment before the intensive sandplay training begins.

Further Enquires and Registration: and
or email

Women Who Run With Wolves Workshops: Manawee - Union with the Other
A BodySoul Community Workshop with Jayne Hayden & Claire Shackleton
18 June 2017
The Hub Shaw Bank, Barnard Castle
Co. Durham. DL12 8TD, UK

An open invitation to women with a willingness and desire to connect with their soul's journey. You do not need any prior experience. 

Cost: £85 /£75 Early bird (Payment one month before workshop date)

Further Enquires and registration: or

Click HERE to download the flyer